
The team of neurophysicians at Mint are equipped to diagnose and achieve positive results in neurological diseases by offering treatments that are on par with those from top medical institutes globally.


The Department of Neurology at Mint Hospitals is dedicated to providing care to patients ailing from brain diseases, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, or muscles.The expert medical professionals integrate empathetic care with state-of-the-art research and the highest order medical training. The team of neurophysicians are equipped with the latest medical technology ranging from any and all life-saving intervention for acute brain trauma to the efficient management of chronic neurological illnesses.
At Mint, we recognize that having access to advanced equipment and technology is just as significant as having a highly qualified and skilled team of medical professionals. Moreover, our top medical infrastructure is perfect for accurate diagnosis and efficient treatment of neurological conditions. The core goal at Mint is to ensure that patients and their families obtain access to top-quality treatment.

Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Prabakar